• Address: P.O.Box 1630, Sapon, Abeokuta, Ogun State
  • support@wncc.org.ng

Advance Diploma in Christian Ministry


What do our students gain from two years at WNCC and SBS? Let us look at some of the learning and materials, which are available to our students.

Class lectures: Each semester contains 18 weeks which includes one week of mid-term exams and another week for the final exams. Each week contains an average of 18 class hours of instruction for a total of 72 class credits over the two years period. The total number of hours that students spend listening to, and participating in lectures comes to 1,296.

Study time: They are assigned library and study time for a minimum of 18 hours per week, more if they are on campus during the weekend. Many students exceed that amount of time, which equals to another 1,296 hours in study. Added to lecture time, students spend 2,592 in studying the Bible and related courses. Where else can our young people get such time for serious study unencumbered with other responsibilities?

Additionally, students have a 30-minute devotional time beginning at 5: 15 am daily and ending with another one from 9:25 pm. Now, add a 30-minute chapel time daily and our midweek Gazebo. Continue to add as students participate in our regular Sunday morning worship services. Some go to other congregations and become involved there. Continue adding as students go out on evangelism Saturdays. Some do still more with the World Bible School program, etc.

We can add the two weeks Practicum for first year students, one-month practicum for year two students and the internship period of the third year class at the close of each school year. Some use their free time is fellowshipping and interacting with one another. Opportunities for leadership training abound during these two years here. A study Bible and numerous other lesser books, brochures, tracts and other materials are given to students. Now, what else might students receive?

Several books are given at graduation each year. The number and titles differ each year, depending upon what we are able to acquire. A partial list includes: A handbook on evangelism, Narrated Bible in Chronological order, a New Testament commentary, Bible dictionary, concordance, Bible atlas, pocket guide of New Testament survey, and one of Bible references, a book on evidences of Christ, His resurrection and other topics and other tools needed by students as they begin their career in ministry.

Our mission: To educate students for excellence in Christian professional service, leadership and ministry.

We pray to God that we are accomplishing our mission.

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